CESDb > Structural Analysis > MITCalc Bolted Connections
MITCalc Bolted Connections screenshot
SOFTWARE :MITCalc Bolted Connections
PLATFORM :Spreadsheet
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:3089
Program Description

The calculation is designed for a geometrical design and strength check of a prestressed bolt connection, loaded by static or cyclic loading resp. , acting both in the axis of the bolt and in the plane of the connected parts. The application solves the following tasks:

  • Automatic design of a connection bolt of standard design.
  • Calculation and check of connections fitted with special shanks.
  • Design and calculation of necessary mounting prestressing of the connection and fastening torque.
  • Calculation of force conditions of a loaded connection.
  • Static and dynamic strength check.
  • The application includes a table of commonly used materials of bolts according to ISO, SAE and ASTM, and a selection of materials of the connected parts according to AISI/SAE, DIN, BS, AF and others.
  • Support of 2D CAD systems.

The calculations use data, procedures, algorithms and data from specialized literature and standards ANSI, ISO, DIN.

List of standards: ANSI B1. 1, ANSI 273, ANSI B18. 2. 1, ANSI B18. 2. 2, ANSI B18. 3, ANSI B18. 6. 2, ANSI B18. 6. 3, ANSI B18. 22. 1, ISO 273, ISO 1207, ISO 4016, ISO 4032, ISO 4035, ISO 4762, ISO 8738, VDI 2230

* MITCalc Bolted Connections download link provides trial version of the software.

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