CESDb > Structural Analysis > MONOMAKH
MONOMAKH screenshot
DEVELOPER :Liraland Group
VERSION :2016 R2
FILE SIZE :141.09 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:322
Program Description

MONOMAKH-SAPR software is intended for analysis and design of monolithic reinforced concrete structures and structures with brick walls. It is possible to perform analysis of the whole structure or its separate parts and generate working drawings and reinforcement patterns for structural elements.

MONOMAKH-SAPR program is highly profitable for analysis of structures of residential and public multi-storey buildings. The software is helpful when you take design decisions, make individual projects with arbitrary room layout, have much of design work and make an appraisal (expert judgement) of completed projects.

The software package contains the basic module BUILDING and the following design modules: BEAM, COLUMN, FOOTING, REWALL, SLAB, ELEVATION (WALL), BRICK. These modules have interrelated data. With design modules you could work either in stand-alone mode or work with data that was automatically generated in BUILDING module.

* MONOMAKH download link provides demo version of the software.

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