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Program Description

NovoLAB is the most comprehensive geotechnical software for lab data management and borehole log drafting. NovoLAB is designed for geotechnical lab test processing and borehole log drafting. It covers 14 drilling methods, 8 sample types and several other features.  

Lab Test Processing

  • Sieve Analysis (gradation) Test and Soil Classification (USCS, AASHTO)
  • Atterberg Limits Test
  • Moisture and Density Test / Field Density Test
  • Direct Shear Test
  • Triaxial Compression Test
  • Unconfined Compression Test
  • Hydraulic Conductivity Test (falling head, constant head)
  • Compaction Test
  • 1D Consolidation Test

* NovoLAB download link provides trial version of the software.

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