PMWIN screenshot
DEVELOPER :Simcore Software
VERSION :5.3.3
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:3927
Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that PMWIN is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

PMWIN is one of the most complete groundwater simulation systems in the world.  PMWIN simulates the groundwater flow within the aquifer is simulated in MODFLOW using a block-centered finite-difference approach. Layers can be simulated as confined, unconfined, or a combination of both. Flows from external stresses such as flow to wells, areal recharge, evapotranspiration, flow to drains, and flow through riverbeds can also be simulated.  

Processing Modflow (version 5.3) is included in the first edition of the book "3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN" published by Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-67744-5). Processing Modflow 5. 3. 3 is an update that runs under Windows XP and Windows 7.

* PMWIN download link provides freeware version of the software.

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Clauphat Ossete
Je suis en difficulté pour inserer la carte de fond format jpeg sur pmwin

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