Portal screenshot
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:8161
Program Description

PORTAL is a software to be used for the Design of Steel Structures. It has been developed by CTICM (Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Metallique - France) in the frame of an european research project partially funded by the European Community for Steel and Coal (ECSC Project No 7210-SA326 : "Modelling and Pre-design of Steel and Composite Structures" - 1996-1999).

PORTAL performs the checks or automatically pre-designs single bay steel portal frames according to Eurocodes (ENV 1993-1-1 for resistance checks). The graphic user interface is very friendly and intuitive. Because of some simplifying assumptions, this software is to be considered like an aid for the designer to quickly get a set of profiles and an estimation of the frame weight. Detailed results are however provided in order to let the user know if complementary checks are necessary.

PORTAL deals with typical 1-span industrial building (symmetrical duo-pitch roof with slope from 0 to 30%), with rectangular base and equally spaced portal frames. Member sections are hot-rolled sections only. Eave haunches are allowed. Intermediate lateral restraints in rafters and in columns are accounted for. Actions are only dead load, wind load and snow load (uniform). 2 ULS and 2 SLS combinations of actions are considered.

PORTAL performs an elastic first order analysis of the frame, in its plane. The critical index is calculated for classifying the frame as sway or non sway according to ENV 1993-1-1. But, because it is a pre-design stage, frame imperfection and second order effects are ignored.

An automatic pre-design procedure is implemented. The user has to choose the series for rafters and/or columns. PORTAL finds out the lightest profiles in these series, satisfying all ULS and SLS criteria, in order to optimise the frame weight.

Check results expressed as criteria values to be compared to 1. Weight results are displayed. A global calculation note and a detailed calculation note for ULS checks for each member are displayed and can be printed.

* Portal download link provides freeware version of the software.

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