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Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that PumpBase is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

PumpBase is a sophisticated software application that finds the best pumps for your liquid conveyance design whether its a water distribution system or a chemical delivery system. You define the pumped liquid, operating parameters and specify up to 40 additional selection criteria. PumpBase includes many Catalogs that contain thousands of curves from dozens of participating pump manufacturers and can import any future updated Catalogs. Detailed reports are produced that can be sent to pump manufacturers and sales reps for further application verification and price quotes.

PumpBase has 3 versions that serve 3 areas of the Pump Industry...

  1. Academic for Student Engineers learning about pumps, their features and operation.
  2. User for Professional Engineers, Sales Reps and Distributors that must find the best pumps based on the operating characteristics of a fluid conveyance system.
  3. Catalog Builder for Pump Manufacturing Engineers that need to present their entire line of pump products to design engineers and must verify final pump selections. Pump Sales and Marketing Professionals will also use the Catalog Builder version to produce catalogs that will be distributed to their entire staff that run the User version of PumpBase.


  • Detailed multi-stage analysis with optimal impeller trim determination.
  • Complete pump curve entry and editing via text and jpg, bmp or gif image.
  • Communication with HYDROFLO for pump selection from calculated operating point values.
  • Detailed power curves overlaid on pump performance curves
  • Required motor and frame size based on NOL operating point
  • Point by point head and flow readouts with mouse movement on performance curves
  • Affinity Law conversions for both individual speed/impeller trims and complete pumps
  • An extensive and editable liquid property database.
  • Automatic viscosity and manual corrections to pump curves for any liquid property.
  • Efficiency and NPSHR curves plotted on pump graphics and in tabulated form.
  • Standard English and SI (metric) units available.
  • Create project files to save all selection information for a search.
  • Links to manufacturer's web pages, pump PDF documents and quick emailing
  • Liquid temperature rise calculations and warnings.
  • Individual pumps can be sent to other users
  • Filtering of pump selection results
  • Listing of rejected pumps with cause
  • Extensive detailed Help file.

* PumpBase download link provides trial version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Nahas Mohammad Ali
During installation, it is asking for password, can you provide that ?

does this version support catalog builder ?

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