CESDb > Structural Analysis > Real3D-Analysis
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SOFTWARE :Real3D-Analysis
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1121
Program Description

Real3D-Analysis is a powerful frame-finite element analysis and design program built from ground up, with latest technologies from the fields of finite element analysis, numerical computation and computer graphics. It brings accuracy, reliability, and ease of use to average structural engineers to perform static analysis, dynamic analysis and concrete design of general truss, frame, plate and shell structures. It features unique 128-bit floating point solver, multiple document interface, spreadsheet input and output, easy command line input as well as compelling graphics built upon industry standard OpenGL(R).


  • 2D and 3D frame (beam and truss) elements
  • 2D and 3D four-node plate/shell element, with thick or thin plate bending element (for slab modeling) and compatible/incompatible in-plane stress element (for shear wall modeling)
  • 3D eight-node solid (brick) element with compatible and incompatible formulations
  • Linear, compression-only, tension-only nodal, line and surface spring elements
  • Moment releases on frame element
  • Forced displacements on supports
  • Nodal, point forces and moments, line and surface forces, self weight, area loads, pattern loads and moving loads

Analysis and Design Options

  • Static linear analysis
  • Geometric nonlinear (P-Delta) analysis
  • Frequency analysis
  • Standard 64-bit skyline solver and unique 128-bit skyline floating point solver (extremely accurate).   Also 64-bit in-core and out-of-core sparse solver.
  • Concrete design for beams, columns and slabs according to ACI 318-2005, -2002. It includes such as features as exact biaxial column interaction diagrams, automatic moment magnification, cracked section properties, Wood-Armer moments, color coded plots for member capacity and reinforcement contour plots for plates

* Real3D-Analysis download link provides demo version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Nasir Urfan
Excellant. Simple yet powerful software.

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Real3D-Analysis has been rated 3.4 out of 5 points. A total of 10 votes cast and 1 users reviewed the software.

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