CESDb > Structural Analysis > RF PLATE-BUCKLING
DEVELOPER :Dlubal Software
FILE SIZE :567.48 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1578
Program Description

The RF-/PLATE-BUCKLING is available as an add-on module for RFEM/RSTAB or as a separate stand-alone program. It performs plate buckling analysis of rectangular plates according to the following standards:

  • EN 1993-1-5:2006
  • DIN 18800-3:1990-11

It is possible to apply horizontal or vertical stiffeners to the plates (for example flat plates, angles, T-stiffeners, trapezoidal stiffeners, channel sections). Loading on the plate boundaries can be applied in several ways and can be imported from the main program RFEM/RSTAB. The plate buckling design in RF-/PLATE-BUCKLING is always performed on the total buckling panel as the potential stiffeners are considered in the 3D FE model. Thus, designs of single (c/t) parts or buckling panel sections are omitted.


  • For design according to Eurocode 3, the following National Annexes (NA) are available:
  1. Germany DIN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2010-12 (Germany)
  2. Finland SFS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2006 (Finland)
  3. Belgium NBN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2011-03 (Belgium)
  4. Italy UNI EN 1993-1-5/NA:2011-02 (Italy)
  5. Netherlands NEN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2011-04 (Netherlands)
  6. Norway NS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2009-06 (Norway)
  7. Czech Republic CSN EN 1993-1-5/NA:2008-07 (Czech Republic)
  8. Cyprus CYS EN 1993-1-5/NA:2009-03 (Cyprus)
  • In addition to the National Annexes listed above, you can also define a specific NA, applying user-defined limit values and parameters.
  • Import of all relevant internal forces from RFEM/RSTAB by selecting numbers of members and buckling panels with determination of governing boundary stresses
  • Summary of stresses in load cases with determination of governing load
  • Different materials for stiffener and plate possible
  • Import of stiffeners from an extensive library (flat plate and bulb flat steel, angle, T-section, channel, and trapezoidal sheeting)
  • Determination of effective widths according to EN 1993-1-5 (Table 4.1 or 4.2) or DIN 18800, Part 3, Eq. (4)
  • Optional calculation of critical local buckling stresses by analytical formulas of annexes A.1, A.2, A.3 of EC 3 or by means of FEA calculation
  • Designs (stress, deformation, torsional buckling) of longitudinal and transverse stiffeners
  • Optional consideration of buckling effects according to DIN 18800, Part 3, Eq. (13)
  • Photo-realistic representation (3D rendering) of buckling panel including stiffeners, stress conditions, and buckling modes with animation
  • Documentation of all input data and results in a verifiable printout report

* RF PLATE-BUCKLING download link provides trial version of the software.

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