CESDb > Structural Analysis > RISABase
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Legacy Software Notice:
Please be advised that RISABase is considered outdated or legacy, and it has reached the end of its support and update cycle. As a result, compatibility issues may arise, and its functionality cannot be guaranteed on modern computer systems.
Program Description

RISABase is a handy application that is designed to help structural engineers to analyze the behavior of complex base plate and anchor bolt models. The program allows you to enter the parameters of the models and to generate a report with the results of the simulation. The program can help you generate a report that can be printed in order to use it in project documentation or presentation.

This revolutionary software is the only program that brings the full power of the Finite Element Method to bear on the analysis of base plates. With its incredibly easy interface and advanced computational methods, RISABase is a base plate design tool of unparalleled power.

RISABase 2. 0 Specifications

  • Steel design codes: AISC 13th LRFD & ASD, 9th ASD, 2nd LRFD
  • Concrete design Code: ACI 318-05
  • Fully customizable (create program defaults to match your common settings)
  • More than 20 different units available for display (imperial and metric)
  • Comprehensive column shape database including international shapes
  • Automatic baseplate size optimization based on specified max/min length, width, thickness
  • Square Baseplate option for easier fabrication
  • Finite element analysis of baseplate for the most realistic and accurate results
  • Rigid analysis option to match hand calculation results
  • Column eccentricity (from baseplate center)
  • Automatic allowable bearing pressure calculations per AISC
  • Stiffened connections using plates, clip angles, or channels
  • Custom anchor bolt layout (great for accommodating misplaced anchor bolts in the field)
  • Anchor bolt layout optimization (based on minimum spacings, edge distances)
  • Shear lug analysis
  • Anchor bolt strength checks for tension/shear per AISC
  • Anchor bolt pullout capacity calculated per ACI 318 Appendix D, considering all seven dominant failure modes (cone breakout, side face blowout, pryout, etc) including group failure calculations
  • Anchor bolt pullout seismic requirements checks and supplemental seismic reinforcement design
  • Biaxial loading and design for both shears and moments.
  • Uplift design
  • Load combination generator for five different codes, with load reversibility
  • Printable detail report lists all input and output (great for plan checking)
  • Color stress contours for bending/bearing stresses
  • Color bolt group failure diagrams for each failure model

* RISABase download link provides demo version of the software.

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