CESDb > Structural Analysis > Robot Structural Analysis Professional
Robot Structural Analysis Professional screenshot
SOFTWARE :Robot Structural Analysis Professional
DEVELOPER :Autodesk Inc.
FILE SIZE :1019.77 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:272
Program Description

Robot Structural Analysis Professional is structural load analysis software that verifies code compliance and uses BIM-integrated workflows to exchange data with Revit. It can help you to create more resilient, constructible designs that are accurate, coordinated, and connected to BIM.

Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional software provides structural engineers with advanced building simulation and analysis capabilities for large, complex structures. The software offers a smooth workflow, enabling engineers to more quickly perform simulation and analysis of a variety of structures.

Robot Structural Analysis Professional is available only in the Architecture, Engineering & Construction Collection, an essential set of integrated Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools. The collection includes:

  • Revit
  • AutoCAD
  • Advance Steel
  • And more

Key Features:

Finite Element Analysis

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis hosts a range of powerful FEM solvers enabling structural engineers to conduct complex calculations such as modal, harmonic, spectral, dynamic, non-linear, footfall analysis and many more.

Structural Design

Robot allows engineers to design their structural elements to many codes such as:  

  • Combinations: Eurocode 0, BS5950 and BS8110 (UK), other local standards (USA, France, Canada, Italy, etc.);
  • Climatic loads: Eurocode 1 and other local standards (France, Romania, Italy, USA, Canada, etc.);
  • Reinforced concrete design: Eurocode 2, BS8110 (UK), and other local standards (USA, Canada, France, Italy, etc.);
  • Steel design: Eurocode 3, BS5950 (UK), and other local standards (USA, Canada, France, Italy, etc.);
  • Timber design: Eurocode 5 and other local standards (France, Italy, etc.);
  • Geotechnical design: Eurocode 7, BS8004 (UK), and other local standards (France);
  • Seismic loads: Eurocode 8 and other local standards (France, Canada, USA, Italy, Romania, etc.).

BIM Compliance

With the addition of Robot to the AEC collection, Robot can communicate effectively and efficiently with Autodesk’s BIM solutions such as Revit, Advance Steel and other products, namely complex steel connection design software such as Graitec’s Advance Design Connection allowing communication both downstream and upstream between consultants and contractors.

* Robot Structural Analysis Professional download link provides trial version of the software.

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