RS3 screenshot
DEVELOPER :Rocscience
FILE SIZE :1121.82 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:2784
Program Description

RS3 is a program for 3D analysis of geotechnical structures for civil and mining applications. Applicable for both rock and soil (RS3 = Rock and Soil 3-dimensional analysis program), RS3 is a general purpose finite element analysis program for underground excavations, tunnel and support design, surface excavation, foundation design, embankments, consolidation, groundwater seepage and more. The newest features in RS3 include dynamic analysis and automatic shear strength reduction.

3-dimensional model geometry is built with CAD tools or by importing 3D files such as DXFs.

RS3 offers complete flexibility for staging of excavations, support installation, loading and all other modeling aspects. Models with up to several hundred different stages can be analyzed with RS3. To assist with the assignment of staging, excavation and support, a Sequence Designer dialog is provided, which is invaluable for the assignment of complex, repetitive staging sequences.

RS3 has material models for both soil and rock, including Mohr-Coulomb, Generalized Hoek-Brown, Cam Clay and Drucker-Prager strength models. Elastic models include isotropic, transversely isotropic, orthotropic, and Duncan Chang Hyperbolic. Any number of different material types can be defined and easily assigned to different regions with a few mouse clicks.

For the design of geotechnical support systems, RS3 offers a wide variety of support elements including bolts, liners, beams, and piles. These can be used in any combination for the support of excavations, slopes, foundations, retaining walls, and embankments. Bolt types include End Anchored, Tieback, Fully Bonded, Plain Strand Cable, Swellex, and Split Set. Liners can represent shotcrete or concrete support. Beams can represent steel sets or trusses. Composite liners with multiple layers and sliding interfaces can be defined.

For groundwater modeling, 3-dimensional finite element seepage analysis can be used to determine groundwater pore pressure and flows for steady-state or transient conditions. The groundwater analysis is fully integrated with all other aspects of the program, and can be used in conjunction with stress analysis, or as an independent groundwater seepage analysis.

Furthermore, RS3 offers fully coupled stress analysis / pore pressure using Biot theory for the most accurate modeling of soil behavior where the interaction of stress and pore pressure are critical, such as embankment consolidation, surface excavations or shallow tunnels through clay materials.

Different types of loading can be modeled including in-situ field stress (constant or gravitational), distributed loads or surcharges, concentrated loads (line or point), seismic load (pseudo-static) and springs. Restraints and boundary conditions can be easily applied. Meshing is automatic and 3-dimensional using 4-noded or 10-noded tetrahedral elements.

After the analysis is computed, RS3 offers numerous options for viewing and displaying results in 2D and 3D (e.g. stresses, displacements, strains, flow vectors). You can contour results on excavation surfaces or user-defined viewing planes, plot results along any lines, plot detailed support forces and displacements, and plot differential results between stages. Results and images can be exported and customized for presentations and reports.

* RS3 download link provides trial version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Zahid Meer
This trial version is for how many days?

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