CESDb > Construction Management > ScheduleBoard
ScheduleBoard screenshot
SOFTWARE :ScheduleBoard
DEVELOPER :Yong Technology
VERSION :0.1.0
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:665
Program Description

ScheduleBoard is a resource and project scheduling software program. It is designed to let multiple users in a company request and assign resources for different projects. At the same time, users can also schedule their own projects and tasks and make their own notes.

Main Features:

  • Request, assign and edit resources by multiple users in a company
  • Assign and edit resource timeoff
  • Assign and control multiple user right levels by Administrator
  • Schedule user’s own projects
  • Make user’s own notes
  • Mark and edit holidays
  • Open project folders
  • Archive resource requests and user projects
  • Modern and slick graphic user interface
  • Easy user registration and user management

* ScheduleBoard download link provides freeware version of the software.

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