CESDb > Earthquake Engineering > SeismoSpect
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SOFTWARE :SeismoSpect
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1369
Program Description

SeismoSpect constitutes a simple and efficient platform that allows to create a personal library of ground motion records and save them all in a single file making it easy to handle and share large numbers of records. Some of its features are:

  • Capability of applying several filter types and to perform baseline-correction using up to third order polynomials.
  • Capability of computing the mean spectral response of a collection of accelerograms and to compare these results with a reference spectrum (users can thus combine different records in order to individuate those whose average spectrum will meet a certain reference spectrum).

Finally, a module was introduced to compute a number of strong-motion parameters often required by engineer seismologists and earthquake engineers, such as:

  • Maximum acceleration, velocity and displacement
  • Effective design acceleration (EDA)
  • Overdamped and constant-ductility inelastic response spectra
  • Root-mean-square (RMS) of acceleration, velocity and displacement
  • Arias (Ia) and characteristic (Ic) intensities
  • Cumulative absolute velocity (CAV) and specific energy density (SED)
  • Acceleration (ASI) and velocity (VSI) spectrum intensity
  • Sustained maximum acceleration (SMA) and velocity (SMV)
  • Predominant (Tp)
  • Significant duration
  • Number of effective cycles
  • Damage index
  • Maximum incremental velocity (MIV)
  • Impulsivity index (IP Index)
  • Average spectral acceleration (Sa, avg)

In addition, SeismoSpect features a friendly graphical user interface capable of reading single accelerograms defined in both single or multiple values per line formats (the two most popular formats used by strong-motion databases).

Finally, and due to its full integration with the Windows environment, SeismoSpect allows for numerical and graphical results to be copied to any Windows application (e.g. MS Excel, MS Word, etc.), noting that the plots characteristics can be fully customised from within the program itself.

* SeismoSpect download link provides trial version of the software.

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