CESDb > Structural Analysis > ShortCol
ShortCol screenshot
DEVELOPER :Yakov Polyakov
PLATFORM :Spreadsheet
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:3210

Program Description

ShortCol computes ultimate strength of reinforced concrete column subjected to combined axial force and bending moment. Ultimate strength is found from strain compatibility analysis assuming equivalent rectangular concrete stress distribution. In addition, ShortCol calculates transformed properties of fully cracked reinforced concrete section at ultimate limit state and calculates crack width at service limit states.

Another features:

  • Shortcol analyses rectangular or circular shape concrete sections
  • Rebar wizard quickly generates various typical and irregular bar layouts
  • Crack width is calculated in accordance with ACI/AASHTO, British Standards, Eurocode 2 and AS3600
  • Column design conforms ACI 318, AASHTO, AS3600 codes
  • SI and US units

ShortCol limitations:

  • Does not consider column slenderness and second order effects
  • Uses only unconfined concrete properties
  • Accepts only bonded to concrete reiforcing steel

* ShortCol download link provides demo version of the software for Shortcol and Eurocode 2.

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