SkyCiv screenshot
FILE SIZE :Web Application
LICENSE :Commercial
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:250
Program Description

SkyCiv is a Structural Engineering software platform with a range of structural analysis and design software based on the cloud. SkyCiv was developed by SkyCiv Pty Ltd, an Australian company, and performs Structural Analysis, Finite Element Analysis and Structural Design. SkyCiv Structural Engineering Software can handle beam & plate elements, cables, buckling, p-delta, frequency and response spectrum analysis for multiple load combinations. Includes design checks from AISC, NDS, ACI, AISI, Eurocode, AS and CSA plus more.

SkyCiv is 100% cloud based. It works seamlessly on Mac, PC, and even mobile tablets! No more license keys, no more version issues or costly updates. SkyCiv program is very intuitive and easy to use. We've redesigned the workflow and user interface: with easier input and a cleaner interface, you can model 5x faster than some of our competitors.

Structural Analysis Software

  • SkyCiv Structural 3D: Our flagship and most versatile software. Full 3D modelling and analysis capabilities.
  • SkyCiv Beam: Great for single, continuous, or complex beam analysis. Easiest SkyCiv tool to use.
  • SkyCiv Section Builder: Analyze complex or database shapes. Import .DXF files for ultimate customization.
  • SkyCiv Load Generator: Generate wind loads for application on 3D models. Print PDF reports for 3rd parties.
  • SkyCiv Mobile: File manager, beam calculator, section database and more all at your fingertips.

Structural Design Software

  • SkyCiv Member Design: Steel, Cold-formed and Wood member design. Supported by our Automatic Designer.
  • SkyCiv RC Member Design: Reinforced Concrete Member design. Supported by our Automatic Designer.
  • SkyCiv Connection Design: Design a variety of shear and moment steel connections as per AISC 360 and Eurocode.
  • SkyCiv Foundation Design: Supports isolated and combined footing, as well as concrete pile design.

* SkyCiv download link provides commercial version of the software.

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