CESDb > General Tools > SMath Studio
SMath Studio screenshot
SOFTWARE :SMath Studio
DEVELOPER :Andrey Ivashov
PLATFORM :Windows / iOS / Android
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:193

Program Description

SMath Studio is a tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support.

It provides numerous computing features and rich user interface translated into about 40 different languages. Application also contains integrated mathematical reference book.

Among its capabilities are:

  • Solving differential equations;
  • Graphing functions in two or three dimensions;
  • Symbolic calculations, including solving systems of equations;
  • Matrix operations, including determinants;
  • Finding roots of polynomials and functions;
  • Symbolic and numeric differentiation of functions;
  • Numeric integration;
  • Simple multiline looped programs;
  • User-defined functions;
  • Units of measurement.

* SMath Studio download link provides freeware version of the software for Windows, Android and IOS.

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