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DEVELOPER :StructurePoint
FILE SIZE :100.16 MB
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1371
Program Description

spSlab (formerly pcaSlab/ADOSS) is highly efficient and widely used for analysis, design and investigation of reinforced concrete floor systems.

spSlab analyzes beams, one-way slab systems (including standard and wide module joist systems), and two-way slab systems (including waffle and slab bands). With capacity to integrate up to 20 spans and two cantilevers of multiple floor system types in each model, the capabilities of spSlab are not limited to new designs. spSlab can perform strength investigation for evaluation and/or modifications of existing building slabs. This program is sure to save engineers time crosschecking designs with applicable design code provisions.

Save in both material and labor using the moment redistribution feature. It allows up to 20% reduction of negative moments over supports reducing reinforcement congestions in these areas.

spSlab also incorporates torsion into shear design and investigation of beam systems. Shear capacity including torsion is represented in terms of required and provided area of transverse and longitudinal reinforcement.

Analysis and design tools in spSlab are provided for the following systems:

  • Simple and continuous beams
  • One-way slabs
  • Two-way flat plates
  • Two-way flat slabs (with drop panels)
  • Slab band systems
  • One-way pan joist systems (Standard modules)
  • One-way skip joist systems (Wide modules)
  • Two-way joist systems (Waffle slabs)

Technical Features

  • Support for ACI 318-11/08/05/02/99 & CSA A23.3-04/94 design standards
  • Slab systems may contain: drop panels, column capitals/shear cap, transverse beams, longitudinal beams, ribs (waffle slabs), slab bands
  • Design Mode & Investigation Mode
  • Instantaneous and long-term deflections calculation
  • Flexure and shear design and investigation
  • Torsion design and investigation
  • Moment redistribution for beams/one-way slab system
  • Mixed span types within one-way or two-way systems
  • Automatic or manual moment distribution factors and strip widths
  • Reinforcement schedule including bar quantity, size, and length

* spSlab download link provides trial version of the software.

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