CESDb > Structural Analysis > STLBRIDGE
STLBRIDGE screenshot
DEVELOPER :Bridgesoft
FILE SIZE :Unknown
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:998
Program Description

STLBRIDGE is a continuous steel bridge analysis and design software package for use in the design of steel plate girder and wide flange bridges conforming to AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges or the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.  The software has many time saving and educational features which will allow the design engineers to take full advantage of their experience.

STLBRIDGE is a Windows compatible software with many graphical design screens which allow the engineer to modify flange plates, web plates, wide flanges and cross frame spacing while instantly viewing performance ratios at critical sections.  Along with our innovative design screens, the software is further enhanced by its context sensitive help putting virtually the entire users manual at the engineers finger tips. 

STLBRIDGE is sold in two versions which perform designs based on the AASHTO Standard Specifications or the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.  The two different versions of the software function and appear virtually identical.

Capabilities - LFD/ASD Version

  • Interactive graphical design
  • Up to 9 continuous spans or a simple span
  • Plate girder or wide flange sections
  • Parallel flange, linear, or parabolic web haunches
  • Constant or variable girder spacing AASHTO LFD and ASD code checks
  • Various composite types
  • Line girder analysis
  • Check performance ratios on screen
  • On-line help
  • Graphical output
  • Pour Sequence Capability
  • Point Load Specification

Capabilities - LRFD Version

  • Interactive graphical design
  • Up to 9 continuous spans or a simple span
  • Plate girder or wide flange sections
  • Parallel flange, linear, or parabolic web haunches
  • Constant or variable girder spacing AASHTO LRFD code checks
  • AASHTO HL93 live load or user defined truck
  • Various composite types
  • Hybrid sections
  • Line girder analysis
  • Check performance ratios on screen
  • On-line help
  • Graphical output
  • Pour Sequence Capability
  • Box Girder Design Capability
  • Point Load Specification
  • Field Splice Design
  • Rating Capabilities
  • In-Span Hinge Capability
  • Simple for Dead Load and Continuous for Live Load Capability

* STLBRIDGE download link provides demo version of the software.

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