CESDb > Geotechnical Engineering > Structural Masonry Design System
Structural Masonry Design System screenshot
SOFTWARE :Structural Masonry Design System
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1516
Program Description

The SMDS software is a component software package specifically designed to engineer masonry. Concrete masonry and clay masonry software for allowable stress design and strength design according to 1995-2008 TMS 402/ACI 530/ASCE 5 or the 2000-2009 IBC. Includes reinforced and unreinforced walls, shear walls, columns, lintels, custom face shell thicknesses, 14 & 16 inch units, interaction diagrams and much more.

Design of these structural elements: 

  • lintels
  • walls loaded in-plane or out-of-plane, and columns.
  • design of walls that are either reinforced or unreinforced
  • design of all elements by either allowable stress or strength
  • calculation of member forces from external loads, boundary
  • conditions and spans
  • graphical illustration of interaction diagrams for walls and
  • columns
  • design for combined axial load and bending moment
  • design for shear and of shear reinforcing when required
  • calculation of development length and lap splices
  • calculation of deflections for P-delta effect
  • inclusion of special requirements for special and intermediate
  • shear walls

* Structural Masonry Design System download link provides trial version of the software.

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