CESDb > Structural Analysis
Listing 191 Structural Analysis Software...
Connection Study Environment Version:8.00 · Hit:1963
Connection Study Environment

Steel Connections Design and Check

C. S. E. , Connection Study Environment, is a Windows software program completely devoted to the design, study and check of steel structures joints.   The C. S. E.

CoP2 Version:2.1.3 · Hit:1596

Steel and Composite Joints Design in Accordance with Eurocode 3

COP is an innovative computer program for the design of joints in steel and composite structures.

CoSFB Version:1.6 · Hit:815

ArcelorMittal Composite Slim-Floor Beams

CoSFB (Composite slim floor beams), a new development by ArcelorMittal, combines the advantages of composite design with traditional slim floor construction and is the perfect answer to the demands of long spans in modern architecture.

CRANEWAY Version:8.23 · Hit:1753

Design of Crane Runway Girders

The stand‑alone program CRANEWAY provides effective analysis and design of craneway girders.

Creep and Shrinkage Version:1.0 · Hit:1177
Creep and Shrinkage

Creep and Shrinkage Solver by Eurocode No 2

Spreadsheet solver for concrete creep and shrinkage according to Eurocode No 2.

Cross Section Analysis & Design Version:3.9 · Hit:2161
Cross Section Analysis & Design

Structural Cross Sections (concrete, steel, composite etc.)

Cross Section Analysis and Design can handle structural cross sections that are built up of one or more geometric entities and can be drawn directly using the versatile featured user interface.

CUFSM Version:5.04 · Hit:1063

Cross-Section Elastic Buckling Analysis

CUFSM includes tools for generalized beam-column loading and analysis. CUFSM provides both the semi-analytical finite strip method for creation of the cross-section signature curve as well as the generalized finite strip method for other end boundary conditions.

DECKSLAB Version:1.4 · Hit:12813

Slab on Metal Deck Analysis & Design

Slab on metal deck analysis and design (both composite and form deck) per SDI and ACI 318-99.

Delta Beam Version:1.0 · Hit:1509
Delta Beam

Continuous Beam Structural Analysis

Delta Beam is a continuous beam structural analysis software. It includes a full complement of features that makes it suitable for any job from a small beam to very complex beam structures.

Diamonds Version:2021 · Hit:292

Structural Analysis of Steel, Concrete and Timber Constructions

Diamonds is the perfect software for analysis of steel, concrete and timber structures.

Dimenes Version:2.0 · Hit:848

Calculator for sections of beams, columns and bars

Dimenes is a program useful to design metallic structures for the most common cases.

Distribution of Releasing Moments Version:1.01 · Hit:1816
Distribution of Releasing Moments

Differential Temperature Effects on a Continuous Beam

This spreadsheet calculates the secondary effects (bending moments and shear forces) produced by the releasing moment from differential temperature effects on a continuous beam.

EBPlate Version:2.01 · Hit:18476

Elastic Buckling Of Plates

EBPlate is a piece of software developed by CTICM with a partial funding of the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). It assesses the critical stresses associated to the elastic buckling of plates loaded in their plan.

ECCS EC3 Version:1.0.6 · Hit:341

Stainless Steel Calculator

ECCS EC3 Calculator provides a database of stainless steel products and suppliers and also calculates the resistance of beams and beam-columns.

Effective Span Version:1.02 · Hit:1920
Effective Span

Effective Span of Plate Girder with no Bearing

The effective span and maximum bearing pressure for a plate girder with no specific bearing is calculated in accordance with BD 56/10 clause 16 and Figure 16. 1A

EngiLab Frame.2D Version:3.5 · Hit:3355
EngiLab Frame.2D

Structural Analysis of Plane (2D) frames

EngiLab Frame. 2D is an easy-to-use yet powerful engineering tool for the structural analysis of plane (2D) frames for Windows, using a 3-DOFs (Degrees of Freedom) per node approach.

EngiLab Truss.2D Version:1.0 · Hit:1957
EngiLab Truss.2D

Linear Static Analysis of Plane Trusses

EngiLab Truss. 2D is a powerful engineering software for the linear static analysis of plane (2D) trusses for Windows, offering also some design capabilities with relevant checks.

Estru3D Version:0.4.4 · Hit:1097

Structural Analysis Using The Stiffness Matrix Method

Program for structural analisys using the Stiffness Matrix Method. It has its own graphical interface and full GUI.

Fachwerk Version:0.4.5 · Hit:1279

Discontinuous stress fields and strut-and-tie models

Fachwerk is aimed at structural engineers who analyse and design reinforced concrete structures.

Fachwerk3D Version:0.4.5 · Hit:1673

Strut-and-tie models

Fachwerk3D is the spatial version of the program Fachwerk. It intends to simplify the application of discontinuous stress fields and strut-and-tie models.

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Top Downloads

48279 hitsLTBeam v1.0.11

LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.

26527 hitsFTOOL v4.0

Ftool provides a simple analysis program that merges, in the same interface, resources for effective creation and manipulation of the model, linked to a fast and effective code for visualization of the results.

19282 hitsBASEPLT9 v3.7

BASEPLT9 is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base plates.

18476 hitsEBPlate v2.01

EBPlate is a piece of software developed by CTICM with a partial funding of the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). It assesses the critical stresses associated to the elastic buckling of plates loaded in their plan.

16151 hitsBEAMANAL v2.5

BEAMANAL is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of single-span beams (simple, propped, fixed, or cantilever) and continuous beams of up to 5 spans.

Recent Comments
Satrio Chanel
Satrio Chanel· 28 Dec 2024
Why aplication not reply...
Althea Amantillo
Althea Amantillo· 9 Nov 2024
May I ask what is the password in excel so that I can see the functions?...
Buhle Hlophe
Buhle Hlophe· 20 May 2024
Is there anyway one could get the password to the VBA side of this software?I would like to dissect the me...
Mengwu Sa
Mengwu Sa· 2 Feb 2024
Hi, Joris Moen, how did you make it normally...? I ran into the same error 481, also I ran it as administrator, win ...
Ramon Lozada
Ramon Lozada· 10 Nov 2023
How can you ensure that the excel sheet with the mitcalc if free of malicoius code?...