CESDb > Structural Analysis
Listing 191 Structural Analysis Software...
LRFDShear Version:2006 · Hit:1178

AASHTO LRFD Shear Capacity Of Concrete Section

LRFDShear Computes ultimate capacity of reinforced/prestressed concrete members subjected to combined action of shear, flexure, torsion and axial forces.

LTBeam Version:1.0.11 · Hit:48279

Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams

LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.

LTBEAMCOLUMNDESIGN Version:2022 · Hit:374

Critical Loads and Analysis of Imperfect Structures

The following application allows determining the resistance capacity of compressed and deflected pieces with a double tee section, susceptible to lateral buckling.

LUCA Version:1.2 · Hit:409

Fire Calculation for Industrial Halls

LUCA calculates displacements and additional horizontal forces that appear in industrial halls during fire enabling the engineers to consider their effect in the design in order to avoid collapse or risk of human life.

MACS+ Version:3.0.4 · Hit:237

Membrane Actions of Composite Structures in Case of Fire

This software designs composite floor slabs at elevated temperatures by taking into account the enhancing effects of the membrane action in slab.

MATruss Version:1.5 · Hit:927

Truss Constructions

MATruss performs static strength analysis of a structure made up by truss elements. An easy to use preprocessor make the input of model data a fast and carefree process.

MEXE Analysis Version:1.09 · Hit:1761
MEXE Analysis

Mexe Analysis To Bd 21/01 And Ba 16/97 For Single Span Masonry Arch

The modified MEXE analysis to BD 21/01 and BA 16/97 for single span masonry arch with option for axle lift-off.

MITCalc Version:1.76 · Hit:1816

Mechanical, Industrial and Technical Calculations

MITCalc is the mechanical, industrial and technical calculations package. This professionally multi-language prepared package includes solutions for gearings, belt and chain drives, bearings, springs, beams, shafts, bolt joints and many others.

MITCalc Beam Calculation Version:1.24 · Hit:3598
MITCalc Beam Calculation

Straight beams with a constant cross-section

The application is designed for calculations of straight, maximum three times static indefinite beams with constant axis-symmetrical profiles.

MITCalc Bolted Connections Version:1.28 · Hit:3061
MITCalc Bolted Connections

Prestressed Bolt Connection

MITCalc Bolted Connections is designed for a geometrical design and strength check of a prestressed bolt connection, loaded by static or cyclic loading resp. , acting both in the axis of the bolt and in the plane of the connected parts.

MITCalc Buckling Version:1.23 · Hit:4303
MITCalc Buckling

Calculation Slender Strut (Column) Buckling

MITCalc Buckling is designed to calculate the optimum cross-section and perform strength check of slender struts strained for buckling

MITCalc Plates Version:1.18 · Hit:2659
MITCalc Plates

Plates Deflection and Stress

This calculation deals with the deflection, stress and variation of forces in the loaded flat plates.

MITCalc Profiles Version:1.23 · Hit:770
MITCalc Profiles

Profiles Static Characteristics

MITCalc Profiles solves area characteristics of common profiles and mass characteristics of solids created by drawing or rotation of the profile.

MITCalc Shafts Version:1.27 · Hit:4754
MITCalc Shafts

Shafts Design and Calculation

The calculation is designed for geometrical designs and complex examinations of shafts.

MITCalc Welded Connections Version:1.18 · Hit:2918
MITCalc Welded Connections

Design and strength control of statically loaded welded connections

MITCalc Welded Connections is intended for the geometrical design and strength control of statically loaded welded connections of machine structures manufactured from carbon steels.

MONOMAKH Version:2016 R2 · Hit:323

Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures

MONOMAKH-SAPR software is intended for analysis and design of monolithic reinforced concrete structures and structures with brick walls

MOVLOADS Version:1.2 · Hit:4623

Simple-Span Members Subjected To 1-8 Moving Wheel Loads

MOVLOADS is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of simple-span members subjected to from one up to eight moving wheel loads with up to seven wheel spacings.

PERFORM-3D Version:7.0 · Hit:1002

Nonlinear Analysis and Performance Assesment for 3-D Structures

PERFORM-3D is a general tool for implementing displacement-based design, analysis and performance assesment for 3-d structures.

PGSplice Version:0.7 · Hit:684

Analysis Precast Girder Splice Alternatives

PGSplice is our spliced girder analysis software. This software has been developed for the Alternate Route Project.

Phaethon Version:1.0 · Hit:598

Analysis of Shear - Critical Reinforced Concrete Columns

The stand-alone Windows program Phaethon with user’s interface written in C++ offers analysis of shear - critical reinforced concrete columns to its user both for rectangular but also for circular reinforced concrete columns.

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Top Downloads

48279 hitsLTBeam v1.0.11

LTBeam is a software which deals with the elastic Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams under bending action about their major axis.

26527 hitsFTOOL v4.0

Ftool provides a simple analysis program that merges, in the same interface, resources for effective creation and manipulation of the model, linked to a fast and effective code for visualization of the results.

19282 hitsBASEPLT9 v3.7

BASEPLT9 is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analysis of steel column base plates.

18476 hitsEBPlate v2.01

EBPlate is a piece of software developed by CTICM with a partial funding of the European Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS). It assesses the critical stresses associated to the elastic buckling of plates loaded in their plan.

16151 hitsBEAMANAL v2.5

BEAMANAL is a MS-Excel spreadsheet workbook for the analysis of single-span beams (simple, propped, fixed, or cantilever) and continuous beams of up to 5 spans.

Recent Comments
Satrio Chanel
Satrio Chanel· 28 Dec 2024
Why aplication not reply...
Althea Amantillo
Althea Amantillo· 9 Nov 2024
May I ask what is the password in excel so that I can see the functions?...
Buhle Hlophe
Buhle Hlophe· 20 May 2024
Is there anyway one could get the password to the VBA side of this software?I would like to dissect the me...
Mengwu Sa
Mengwu Sa· 2 Feb 2024
Hi, Joris Moen, how did you make it normally...? I ran into the same error 481, also I ran it as administrator, win ...
Ramon Lozada
Ramon Lozada· 10 Nov 2023
How can you ensure that the excel sheet with the mitcalc if free of malicoius code?...