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Program Description

Software suite TRUSS4 is designed for analysis of timber truss structures connected with punched metal plate fasteners. TRUSS4 offers complete processing of a project from truss design and quotation to manufacturing documentation and automatically generated outputs for machinery equipment.

  • Truss 2D - Design and check of timber trusses
  • Truss 3D - 3D modelling of timber roof structures
  • Truss Explorer - Project manager

Main Features

  • User Interface : The program uses intuitive user interface with active 2D and 3D workspaces
  • Structural Analysis : Fast structural design and verification according to the selected design standard
  • Economic calculations : The software TRUSS4 contains detailed analysis of economic aspects of the project
  • Manufacturing documentation : The software TRUSS4 provides complete manufacturing documentation of project including controlling files for CNC machines

* TRUSS4 download link provides demo version of the software.

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Comments & Reviews
Don Durand
Should have option to use SAE measurement
Mfm Awdeh
The program is very excellent to illustrate the shape and calculations of the truss.
Juan Carlos Juarez
Any body can help to me ? I donĀ“t understand yet how to use... comment please...
Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas
Very interesting, but from the demo d software seems to be limited.
Nkanyi Nyathi
Your software sounds interesting to use, how do you rate yourself with Mitek 20/20 software and the ITS Software. Have you tried any markets in Southern Africa if so am interested to learn and help you get more market around that zone. I have used Mitek and ITS Software and am currently based in Botswana. My contact details are 00267 76102166 OR 00267 72686599 Please let me know if you are interested in spreading your wings wider as I have helped two three Companies in Botswana in setting out Truss Business.

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