CESDb > Structural Analysis > VisualAnalysis
VisualAnalysis screenshot
SOFTWARE :VisualAnalysis
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:2124
Program Description

IES VisualAnalysis is an easy to learn software for general-purpose frame and finite-element analysis. Thousands of professionals leverage VisualAnalysis every day. They tell us it is "a great value" and "so easy to learn". Create frame, truss or FEA models of just about any structure. Sketch, generate, import CAD, or BIM (Revit). Easily apply loads. Distribute area loads to members. Gravity and lateral loading in the same project. Fast static, P-delta, AISC Direct, dynamic, and nonlinear. Proven and validated results. Check steel, concrete, wood, cold-formed and aluminum per relevant material specifications. Flexible and professional output with filters, sorting, and a page-preview viewer.

  • Frames, Trusses, Grids, Beams, Tanks
  • Beam or Truss Members, Plate/Shell Elements
  • Elastic Spring Supports
  • Auto-meshed Areas (for easy wall or slab modeling)
  • Tension-only/Compression-only members or spring-supports
  • Cartesian, Polar, Cylindrical or Spherical Coordinates
  • No built-in size limit (20, 000+ nodes are practical)
  • Typical Manufactured Shapes: Steel, Wood, Aluminum, Cold-formed
  • Parametric, Custom or Shapes imported from ShapeBuilder
  • Just about any Material, Libraries included, Customizable!
  • New: CAD-style selection box
  • New: Generate linear copies
  • Simple, Rigid, Semi-Rigid Connections
  • Catenary Cable Elements

* VisualAnalysis download link provides trial version of the software.

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