CESDb > Geotechnical Engineering > VisualFoundation
VisualFoundation screenshot
SOFTWARE :VisualFoundation
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1002
Program Description

Analysis and design of complex mat foundations and combined footings.Use this focused tool for an easier and more powerful way to model foundations. General FEA tools (like VisualAnalysis) can do a lot, but this is faster and smarter about the foundation-specific engineering.

  • Mat foundation analysis and design
  • Complex mat boundaries, including circular and polygonal templates
  • Generate copies of modeling elements using rectangular or circular patterns
  • Multiple mat thicknesses or soil properties
  • Holes in mats
  • Combined footings
  • Wall footings
  • Walls, grade beams, columns (for loading or stiffness)
  • Improved! Pile supports with elastic stiffness, optional tension-only or compression-only
  • Thickened pile caps
  • Unlimited model size
  • Support for codes: IBC, ASCE 7, ACI 318,
  • Automated FEA meshing and soil-spring supports
  • Sophisticated thick-plate finite element formulation
  • Import & Export DXF files
  • Import & Export with VisualAnalysis
  • Improved usability: easy graphics and toolbar commands
  • Template projects for jump-starting new projects with similar features

* VisualFoundation download link provides trial version of the software.

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