CESDb > Structural Analysis > Voided Irregular Sections
Voided Irregular Sections screenshot
SOFTWARE :Voided Irregular Sections
DEVELOPER :David Childs
PLATFORM :Spreadsheet
LICENSE :Freeware
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:1287
Program Description

This Proforma calculates the section properties, using co-ordinate geometry, of an irregular shaped cross section containing voids.

Section properties, Area, Ixx, Iyy and xy co-ordinates of the centroid are determined for a voided irregular shaped section. Outline of the section and void is input using x-y co-ordinates. Circular voids can be input using the diameter and xy co-ordinates of their centre.


  1. Enter data in the yellow cells only.
  2. Enter XY co-ordinates in the table on the left for the outside perimeter of the section.
  3. Points must be entered in an anti-clockwise direction.
  4. The start point must have the same X Y co-ordinate as the last point.
  5. Enter XY co-ordinates in the centre table for the inside perimeter of the void in a similar manner as described above.
  6. If circular voids are required they may be input in the table on the right. The diameter of the void is required together with the XY co-ordinates of the centre of the circle. Up to 20 individual voids may be input.
  7. Unused cells shall be emptied using the DELETE key or may contain 0. If a print-out is required then the page should be set to landscape.

* Voided Irregular Sections download link provides freeware version of the software.

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