CESDb > Windows
Listing 465 Windows Software...
NovoCPT Version:4.0 · Downloads:944

Cone Penetration Test Interpretation

NovoCPT is designed for processing CPT files and calculating soil parameters such as friction angle, relative density, unit weight, fines content, shear wave velocity, Gmax, clay sensitivity, OCR, undrained shear strength, soil behavior type (SBT).

NovoFormula Version:2.0 · Downloads:1135

Geotechnical Correlations

Geotechnical engineers can use this software for day-to-day analysis and calculations.

NovoLAB Version:4.0 · Downloads:1078

Soil Mechanics Log Drafting and Lab Test

NovoLAB is the most comprehensive geotechnical software for lab data management and borehole log drafting.

NovoLiq Version:4.0 · Downloads:1715

Soil Liquefaction Analysis

This robust software is designed for soil liquefaction analysis during earthquake and supports multi-layer as well as single layer stratigraphy.

NovoSPT Version:3.0 · Downloads:1350

Standard Penetration Test Correlations

NovoSPT is a unique geotechnical software designed for correlating SPT blow counts (N) to various soil properties using 300 correlations.

Oasys Pdisp Version:20.0 · Downloads:644
Oasys Pdisp

Predict Soil Displacement Due To Load

Pdisp is for engineers who need software for soil displacement analysis, soil settlement calculations and soil displacement design.

Oasys Pile Version:19.7 · Downloads:1283
Oasys Pile

Pile Load Capacity, Settlement and Surrounding Ground Displacement

Pile calculates the vertical load carrying capacities and vertical settlements of a range of individual piles in a layered soil deposit.

Oasys Safe Version:19.1 · Downloads:569
Oasys Safe

Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis

Solve your geotechnical problem with powerful two-dimensional geotechnical finite element design software.

Oasys Slope Version:19.1 · Downloads:850
Oasys Slope

Two-Dimensional Slope Stability Analysis

Slope is feature rich and will aid in the assessment of slopes and the design of engineering solutions for slope stability problems

Offshore Pile Foundation Analysis Version:1.3.0 · Downloads:235
Offshore Pile Foundation Analysis

Capacity Estimation and Analysis of Offshore Piles

The Offshore Pile Foundation Analysis suite of GEMS provides easy-to-use program modules for pile capacity estimation, axially loaded pile analysis and laterally loaded pile analysis.

Open Telemac-Mascaret Version:5.2 · Downloads:338
Open Telemac-Mascaret

Computational Fluid Dynamics

TELEMAC-MASCARET is a set of computational fluid dynamics modules dedicated to free surface flows and groundwater flows.

ParkCAD Version:5.0 · Downloads:3003

Parking Lot Design and Layout

ParkCAD is an advanced CAD software that gives users the right tools to design parking layouts quicker and smarter than traditional CAD methods.

Pavement Calculator Version:2.0 · Downloads:6748
Pavement Calculator

Pavement Design Calculator

Stand alone software version of the pavement design portion of the CE CALC website.   Runs on the Windows . NET platform.   Performs civil engineering calculations for traffic/road geometry, surveying/earthwork, pavement, concrete floors and unit c

PCSheetPileWall Version:1.38 · Downloads:3393

Sheet Pile Wall Construction

With the aid of this program the displacements and the force distribution of a sheet pile wall construction can be calculated.

PERFORM-3D Version:7.0 · Downloads:1002

Nonlinear Analysis and Performance Assesment for 3-D Structures

PERFORM-3D is a general tool for implementing displacement-based design, analysis and performance assesment for 3-d structures.

PerRoad Version:4.4 · Downloads:1109

Perpetual Pavement Design and Analysis

PerRoad is a mechanistic-based procedure for the design of flexible long-life or perpetual pavement structures.

Peysanj Version:5.2 · Downloads:1173

Bearing Capacity

Peysanj is a series of geotechnical engineering modules such as bearing capacity and settlement, pressure-meter test, plate loading test, soil liquefaction analysis, etc bundled as single software.

PGSplice Version:0.7 · Downloads:684

Analysis Precast Girder Splice Alternatives

PGSplice is our spliced girder analysis software. This software has been developed for the Alternate Route Project.

PGSuper Version:6.0.0 · Downloads:1740

Prestressed Girder SUPERstructure design and analysis

PGSuper is a powerful open source software for design and analysis of precast-prestressed girder bridges.

Phaethon Version:1.0 · Downloads:598

Analysis of Shear - Critical Reinforced Concrete Columns

The stand-alone Windows program Phaethon with user’s interface written in C++ offers analysis of shear - critical reinforced concrete columns to its user both for rectangular but also for circular reinforced concrete columns.

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Recent Comments
Nahas Mohammad Ali
Nahas Mohammad Ali· 18 Jan 2025
During installation, it is asking for password, can you provide that ?does this version support catalog bu...
Satrio Chanel
Satrio Chanel· 28 Dec 2024
Why aplication not reply...
Eyob Mehari
Eyob Mehari· 15 Nov 2024
It is a good friendly use....
Haroon Sajaad
Haroon Sajaad· 2 Jun 2024
If some one has pavement design excel spreadsheet, share with me. It will be your kindness. Thank you....
Mohammad Fayaz Khan
Mohammad Fayaz Khan· 15 May 2024
I used this software for Road Geometric Design in Canada and is very user-friendly. You can generate cross-sections,...