CESDb > Windows
Listing 465 Windows Software...
Processing Modflow Version:11.0 · Downloads:1519
Processing Modflow

Groundwater Modeling System

Processing Modflow (PMWIN) is a comprehensive integrated groundwater modeling system that is used by many organizations, such as research institutions, consulting firms, agencies, and entities of the United Nations.

ProFire Version:5.4 · Downloads:501

Analysis of I-H Shaped Profiles Under Fire Situation

C2ProFire analyzes the heating evolution of I-H shaped steel profiles under fire situation.

ProgeCAD Version:2021 · Downloads:513

DWG/DXF Compatible 2D/3D CAD

progeCAD is the low-cost CAD alternative which reliably edits DWG files from most versions of AutoCAD. progeCAD also uses toolbars, icons and commands similar to those used in Autodesk AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.

ProgeCAD Architecture Version:2014 · Downloads:743
ProgeCAD Architecture

2D & 3D Architectural Design and Modeling

ProgeCAD Architecture is a 3D & 2D Architectural software using DWG as its native file format.

PumpBase Version:3.0 · Downloads:1622

Advanced Pump Selection and Catalog Production

PumpBase is a sophisticated software application that finds the best pumps for your liquid conveyance design whether its a water distribution system or a chemical delivery system.

PyPile Version:0.8.6 · Downloads:4144

Lateral Pile Analysis

PyPile is a free lateral pile analysis software program based on p-y curves. Pile deflection, bending moment and shear force will be analyzed with different load cases.

PYWALL Version:6.8 · Downloads:503

Analysis of Flexible Retaining Walls

PYWALL considers soil-structure interaction by using a beam-column model and can analyze the behavior of a flexible retaining wall or soldier-pile wall with or without tiebacks or bracing systems.

QCAD Version:3.27 · Downloads:294

Open Source CAD System

QCAD is a free, open source application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With QCAD you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams.

QConBridge Version:1.3 · Downloads:1318

Hl93 Live Load Analysis For Continuous Bridge Structures

QConBridge is a live load analysis program for continuous bridge frames.

Qpfcalc Version:1.10 · Downloads:1306

Pipe friction calculator using the Darcy-Weisbach equation

pfcalc is a pipe friction calculator using the Darcy-Weisbach equation.

QuadMaker Version:1.0 · Downloads:97

Finite Element Mesh Generator

QuadMaker is an interactive 64-bit Windows finite element mesh generator that produces 100% quadrilateral elements (shell4) on planar and curved surfaces in 3D space.

QuickSuite Version:5.0/6.0 · Downloads:1875

QuickRWall, QuickFooting, QuickMasonry, and QuickConcreteWall

A stand alone tool of masonry components to manage multiple structural components within a single project file.

R3D3-RAMA Version:12 · Downloads:248

Static Calculations and Dimensioning of Planar and Spatial Bar Systems

The R3D3-Rama 3D program is designed for construction engineers. It is used for static calculations and dimensioning of planar and spatial bar systems.

RCBlast Version:0.5.1 · Downloads:901

Inelastic Analysis of Structural Members Subjected to Blast-Induced Shock Waves

RCBlast was developed to conduct dynamic inelastic response history analysis of reinforced concrete elements subjected to blast-induced shock waves.

RDS Version:2021 · Downloads:316

Road Design & Infrastructure

RDS is a low cost infrastructure software dedicated to companies to carry out all categories of linear projects such as road projects, pipeline network projects and sewage network projects.

ReActiv Version:1.7.6 · Downloads:478

Designing Reinforced Slopes Using Reinforced Soil or Soil Nails

ReActiv is an interactive computer program for designing reinforced slopes in a wide variety of soil types, using reinforced soil or soil nails.

Real3D-Analysis Version:18 · Downloads:1120

Structural Design & Finite Element Analysis

Real3D-Analysis is a powerful frame-finite element analysis and design program built from ground up, with latest technologies from the fields of finite element analysis, numerical computation and computer graphics, shell structures, dynamic analysis, concrete design, truss, frame, plate

RebarWin Version:7.97 · Downloads:1274

Rebar Detailing

This software program should be useful to rebar detailers working in construction and civil engineering projects.

Redi Rock Wall Version:2018 · Downloads:1717
Redi Rock Wall

Retaining Wall Analysis

The program Redi Rock wall is used to design and check a retaining walls made from blocks produced by Redi-Rock, Inc (USA).

Regression Analysis Version:4.0 · Downloads:1023
Regression Analysis

Multifunctional Curve Fitting Application

Regression analysis is a multifunctional curve fitting application provided free of charge.

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Recent Comments
Nahas Mohammad Ali
Nahas Mohammad Ali· 18 Jan 2025
During installation, it is asking for password, can you provide that ?does this version support catalog bu...
Satrio Chanel
Satrio Chanel· 28 Dec 2024
Why aplication not reply...
Eyob Mehari
Eyob Mehari· 15 Nov 2024
It is a good friendly use....
Haroon Sajaad
Haroon Sajaad· 2 Jun 2024
If some one has pavement design excel spreadsheet, share with me. It will be your kindness. Thank you....
Mohammad Fayaz Khan
Mohammad Fayaz Khan· 15 May 2024
I used this software for Road Geometric Design in Canada and is very user-friendly. You can generate cross-sections,...