Zephyr screenshot
DEVELOPER :cNumerics
DOWNLOADS :UserDownloads:307
Program Description

Zephyr is a tool to assist engineers deal with Wind analysis for buildings in accordances with Eurocode 1 part 1-4. Zephyris based on Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4:2005 General actions, Wind actions. The software deals with complex structural analysis and was created to assist engineers.

Zephyr marks the next generation of documentation standards. Documentation in-depth combined with amazing 3D models for a better interpretation. A replacement for the simple and often unreliable Excel sheets which roams many engineering companies today.

cNumerics was founded in the summer of 2020. The company's target object was to create commercial software for civil engineers who follow Eurocodes as their "holy scripture".

* Zephyr download link provides trial version of the software.

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